Commencing October 25th 1806
Church meeting held at Sister Pate’s; Brother Martin Trap chosen moderator. The Church then proceeded to license Brother Coupland to impose his gift as the Lord may be pleased to call him. Secondly—that Brother Coupland be ordained as soon as possible or convenient. 3rdly, that Brother Shoemake and wife are dismissed also Brother Sweet and wife.
Saturday December 24th 1806
The church met after worship proceeded to business. Thomas McBride chosen moderator Adjourned and in order.
February 28th 1807
Church met after worship and proceeded to business on the petition of John Pace and wife, and John Hill, letters of dismission were granted. Adjourned William Higginbotham Clk.P.T. [Clerk Pro Tem]
Saturday March 28th 1807
Church met after worship and proceeded to business. Brother Absalem Coupland chosen moderator. Received by letter Brother Cary James and his wife, Dolley, also Sister Lilley Brooks. Resolved that notice be given to our absent Brethren to attend at afford monthly meeting to choose a Deacon. Dismissed in order. William Higginbotham, Clerk.
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Saturday April 25th 1807
Church met after worship proceeded to business. Brother Higginbotham chosen Deacon. Secondly, Delegated Brother Higginbotham to scite Brother Trap to our monthly meeting to set in conference with us and preach. Thirdly, appointed Brother Higginbotham to write a letter to the Deacon and Clerk of the Arm. Fourthly, Brother Higginbotham appointed clerk to the church. Dismissed in order, William Higginbotham, Clerk.
May 23rd 1807
Church met. Brother Trap failed to attend the call of the church. Did not proceed to business. Adjourned in order. William Higginbotham, Clerk.
[Addendum minutes from 1806]
Church meeting held at Brother Shoemakes March 15th 1806. Received by letter William Higginbotham and Wife. 16th received John Pace and Wife also Agnes Ruffin.
Church meeting 19th April 1806 Brother Hill came forward with a recantation for an offence and was forgiven. Received by letter Matthew Brooks and wife. Resolved that washing of feet is an ordinance which should be complied with so often as the Lord’s Supper is administered. Resolved that our Sacrament be on the third Saturday in August next and continue quarterly.
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Saturday 4th August, 1807
Church met and proceeded to business. Brother Trap made his acknowledgement to the church and received to fellowship again. Resolved that Brother Trap return the letter which he obtained from the Arm of the Salt Lick Church on Martin’s Creek. Resolved unanimously that Brother Miles West attend us monthly. Resolved that the members on the Southside of Cumberland River obtain letters of dismission. Brother Abram Huddleston and Brother Henry Huddleston chosen to represent us in the next association.
First Saturday in October, 1807
Church met at Brother Abraham Huddleston’s. Received Brother Samuel Ramsey and Elizabeth, his wife, into fellowship. Resolved that Brother Miles West attend us to preach and administer the ordinances. Resolved that our church meeting be holden on the first Saturday in every month in future. Brother Coupland returned his letter. Brother Coupland appointed to write Brother Caps. Resolved that we build a meeting house near the dividing line between Captain Jennings and Stephen [?????] near Jennings Spring.